Monday, August 19, 2013

10 Backlinking Strategies that Still Work After Google Panda

Every webmaster remembers that faithful day of February 2011 when the Panda Update took the world of SEO by storm. This update was one of the most terrifying things that has ever happened because it altered the results for more than one out of every 10 searches and it caused many sites to plummet in the rankings. Nevertheless, in 2011 content farms and bad back-linking strategies were abused by what we refer to as black hats, and Google engineers had to put a stop to it. The world of SEO has changed a lot since then, and it seems to me that webmasters have finally understood that ethical search engine optimization practices are the key to withstanding any algorithm update and progressing through SERPs. Nevertheless, not everybody is born a SEO professional, so if you are only at the beginning of your journey, or if you don’t yet have a complete grasp the field, the following tips will definitely come in handy. After observing several sites that have lost their rankings after certain algorithm updates, I have managed to create a list of ten back-linking strategies that will keep you safe from Panda’s wrath. 

1. Harness the Power of Social Media 

Google has realized that social media signals can be used to affect the overall ranking of websites. This is because people are more likely to comment, share or like good content if it is actually good, while crawlers can be tricked through various strategies. Furthermore, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ have become serious business promoters. Another thing that you should consider is the usefulness of Google Authorship markup which will make your content stand out on SERPs, add individuality to your articles and increase your online credibility. All these things prove that social media signals are the undeniable truth that something is truly valuable. Try to take advantage of these powerful mediums and obtain +1s, likes and shares.

2. Never Use Mass Link Building Techniques 

What are massive link building techniques you will ask? Everything that implies the creation of thousands of suspicious links in a small amount of time will look very strange for Google. Whatever you do, just don’t! I know you are eager to grow your wonderful site, but SEO is not something you can do overnight. The only way that you will ever be able to create thousands of links in a short amount of time is by creating viral content, and this doesn’t happen very often.

3. Create Back-Links through Guest Posting 

Guest blogging is the most efficient way of creating high-quality back-links for your site. As long as your content is good, and the site on which you are posting is relevant to your niche, then you will have found a surefire method of creating awesome back-links. Furthermore, if you post on sites that receive a lot of visitors you will be able to redirect even more traffic from them. If you are new to guest-posting I can assure you that it is not that difficult. Remember, one good link, on a high authoritative site is a lot better than 50 links on obscure sites that nobody visits. 

4. Comment on Blogs for Even More Links

Blog commenting is a quick and easy method of generating beneficial back-links. On one hand you will be able to connect with like-minded people, and get noticed by fellow writers; on the other hand you can create super-fast links to your site. I have actually recommended this technique to many beginners, as it is one of the most lucrative strategies. Nevertheless, it does require patience and time (as do all SEO strategies). In order to succeed you will have to visit blogs on a daily basis, leave relevant comments and attract the attention of readers. 

5. Find Alternative Types of Content 

Written content may be the most popular type of content, but it is also one of the most poorly done. There are so many interesting alternatives that you can take advantage of. Infographics, videos, eBooks, webinars, press releases, podcasts, images, content visualizations and many others will help you gain the competitive edge. In order to create your link, just paste it somewhere within the content. 

6. Search for Link Building Opportunities

As I was saying earlier, there are many ways to create back-links, so many actually that it is hard to keep track. Nevertheless, guest-posting, blog commenting and social media tactics should be used wisely. You can’t just post on any type of site. Focus only on domains which are related to your topics, which have human visitors, and which are within your reach. In other words, don’t expect the Guardian to accept an article you wrote, because this rarely happens, but try to expand your online presence. Go from site to site, and work your way to the top. This means that by the time you start posting on awesome sites you will already have a decent portfolio to back up your work.

7. Make use of SEO Tools 

Efficient link building strategies don’t simply refer to getting the link that you want; it also implies keeping it in good shape, and monitoring it. Somewhere in the future, you will have hundreds, if not thousands of sites linking to you, and more often than not some links get broken. This will affect the overall performance of your site, so do yourself a favor and install some SEO programs like Open Site Explorer or Majestic SEO which will enable you to spot low quality links. In addition to this, Majestic SEO, SEO quake and Mozbar can help you rapidly identify the domain authority and page rank of a page, which is very important. 

8. Create Back-Links on Forums

Your main goals online should be to boost your way up the SERPs, and become an authority online. Activity on forum boards will help you in both aspects. Virtually all forum boards have a small signature bellow the comment section where you can add the link to your site. If people like what you comment they will probably click on your link.

9. Build Strong Relationships with Fellow Writers 

Nobody can understand our struggles better than fellow co-workers. In the battle for the sweet spot on Google, you will have to use all the weapons at your disposal. This means that you should turn to your friends for help. In other words, whatever you do, try to leave a lasting impression, and create strong relationships with like-minded readers and bloggers. This can also be done in the real world by attending conferences and seminars. 

10. Take a Look at Your Competition

 Guest posting may be the best way to create good links, but after a while it can become difficult to find new opportunities. This is why you should always keep your eyes opened to see what your competition is doing. I’m not saying that you should copy their every move, but you can become inspired, and also understand the way that they are working, what type of keywords are they trying to rank for, what sites are they approaching, how are they finding them and so on.

Read more at :-

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How Social Networking Websites Really Work for Businesses

Tech and Trends:- It seems that every business is online now and those that don’t have their own websites at least have a Facebook page or Twitter account. How do they help businesses though? I’m glad you asked.

In the old days, before the popularization of social networking websites, a business used to have to have its own website. Now, many substitute having their own site by just having a Facebook page or Twitter account. Sure, it hurts people trying to make a living from web development but these sites make it so much easier and cheaper for businesses to promote themselves online.

It is so easy for a business to set up a Facebook or Twitter account and the potential to reach people is so great because the Internet is extended throughout the entire world and anything you post could be potentially seen by anyone, anywhere in the world. It’s really quite amazing if you think about it. Even if you are not intending to reach the entire world or people from other continents, social networking websites can be beneficial to locally based businesses.

Social Networking Websites

If your business does any type of advertising, you really need to push your social networking pages. The reason being that once you have a significant number of followers, you can post sales or specials that you have going on. For instance, if your business is a hardware store and you are having a sale on paint, you can post it on your Facebook page or send out some tweets to your twitter followers. It is a lot cheaper to inform your local customers that way than to pay for print advertising. Or perhaps you own a local restaurant. You can post your daily lunch or dinner specials. Now it can take a while for a business to get a lot of followers. However, once it is done, there are so many benefits.

If you are in the entertainment industry, social networking sites are a must. Many social networking sites have the ability for musicians to integrate music players into their page. Musicians can contact venue owners online and provide a link to a music player where the venue owner can hear their music. They can also post their calendar on their page and keep in tough with their fan base.

There are social networking sites that revolve around a number of different interests. You have social networking sites for writers, photographers, artists and so on. Many of the sites have forums where you can meet people working in your industry. Social networking sites are great for business networking, so don’t let the social part fool you. To be honest, I use those sites more for business reasons than for personal.

So, whenever you are promoting your business or yourself for business reasons, always be sure to plug your social networking pages. For example, you can find me on Pinterest at Now how’s that for shameless self promotion? There are a number of sites online where you can purchase followers. Many are a rip-off. Some of these sites create a multitude of fake accounts consisting of user profiles that have no picture. Some actually have the courtesy of telling you upfront that they aren’t real accounts and are just used for appearances’ sake. It looks more impressive if a band has 2,000 Facebook fans as opposed to maybe 2oo or so. Unfortunately, those fake followers won’t go out to see that band play at a local venue.

I have seen venues use a Facebook page to post their entertainment calendar and upcoming events. It’s about the ability to reach your customers in an efficient and affordable manner. Cyberspace is cheap. Printed advertising, on the other hand is quite expensive. I know that from experience. Another great thing about social networking sites is the fact that you can have some interaction with your client base, or fan base if you are in the entertainment industry. It can make you more accessible to more people, with very little effort. Even business relationships can improve if there is some social interaction between cooperating businesses. Many great business relationships ant partnerships improve when there is some form of favorable social interaction. Social networking sites are also a great way to meet new prospective clients and business partners. They have many sites that are primarily for musicians and a lot of musicians meet each other online and actually get together and form bands.

So if you are a business owner or someone working in the entertainment industry, you have to get yourself involved in social networking sites. It’s not that hard and the benefits are many. Just be careful what you post because sometimes your posts may come back to bite you on the you know what.

More Info :-

What Is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? If you are a website owner, you already understand the importance of keywords and advertising in search engines.

In order to make sales, websites must use the latest advertising technology geared toward the internet. These methods include search engine optimization to get free organic traffic and search engine advertising (pay per click or (PPC) or pay per view (PPV)) and they are necessary for success in any online venture. Together they are known as search engine marketing. Search engine optimization consists of a variety of on site and off site techniques to increase the rankings of a website in search engines to get free or organic traffic. Search engines base rankings on a number of factors that determine relevance of a site and where they rank it in their search results. The search engines use spider programs which search out websites and, using algorithms designed by the search engines' owners, gather all sorts of information from the website. Some considerations in the algorithms consist of things like age of site, how often the site is updated, the quality of the content, number of relevant links from similar sites, social credibility and many other things. Search engine giant Google uses Page Rank to measure sites, with 10 being the highest ranking which is given to very few sites. If your site has a 4 or 5, that’s pretty good. 

Search Engine advertising, either Pay Per Click or Pay Per View advertising is another tool used in search engine marketing. By advertising directly with the search engines, a site will be given higher ranking in search results as well. Search engine marketing also gives exposure to a site based on quality relevant content, so the site appears in search engines when users are looking for a particular product or keyword. This targeted searching and advertising is dominating consumer spending. In the U.S. alone, e-commerce sales reached $43.2 billion in the second quarter of 2013 — up 15 percent compared to the year-ago period, according to comScore. Both parties win using search engines. Advertisers using the best techniques of SEO gain free visitors who are looking for specific products or services. 

When their business is put into the search engine, visitors are more likely to visit the site specifically for its services. Research also shows that when visitors come to a site through a search engine, they are typically more motivated to buy. There is a lot more to these techniques than those listed above. Search engine optimization itself is very detailed and complicated. To truly optimize your site, it is important to hire experts who specialize in SEO. Search Engine Advertising also requires extensive knowledge of the industry. It is very important to follow the search engines guidelines to avoid being penalized. A company that provides exclusive search engine marketing services will do everything from keyword selection to monthly maintenance. Employing these methods of Search Engine Marketing will increase your site's visibility in the search results, and bring you more traffic and customers.

Mor Details :-

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Necessary things to keep in mind to get your website a good rank

While building the links, Google’s preference list has changed than before. The important things to keep in mind are:

Total Number: Google at first keeps track of the total number of links one has. It isn’t an effective factor considering the rank, establishment and trustworthiness of a good site will always be much more valuable than spammy and low quality links.

Domains: If a site has several links from the same site, then it’s a spoil spot. Google is going to disregard the influences of most of the links and so link diversity are very important.

Google can detect the domains of links through varied IP addresses. So, it’s advised that the links should be coming from IP addresses around the globe suggesting connection with different people.

Anchor Text: Anchor texts should be varied while creating links which keeps your link profile diverse and natural looking. As a benefit, people won’t use the keyword that the developer has made on that page pointing to that site.

Age: It’s a popular belief that older links that has been used for years are much more important and powerful than the new links. Older and known links will be definitely more influential and impactful than the new links. Google trusts the old links more because they are much more authoritative.

Variation: Diversity or variation is very important in terms of anchor text and source of the links. Variation is also important with respect to image versus text, placement of links on various sites and ‘dofollow’ links versus ‘nofollow’ links.

Some years ago, only the ‘DoFollow’ links were allowed by Google. As a result, every site developer started focussing entirely on ‘DoFollow’ links and started eliminating the other. But the SEO’s belief is contrary to this and they say that Google wants to curb the success of sites that are not playing according to the instructions of Google and blocking their way to the top.

Quality: Quality is the most important factor to keep in mind. Receiving the links from valued sites is better than receiving thousands of spammy blogs. The focus should be made on getting links from the well-known sites, which is difficult because they’re very conservative. Creating and sharing the links should of top priority to increase the quality of the site.

Relevance of the links is another sign of quality. Google is going to discount the sites where the subjects are not relevant merely makes sense. A typical webmaster should try to lessen the irrelevant topics and stay in their niche.

Bad Links: The bad links have a detrimental impression on the page’s ranking. So, equal importance should be given to limit the number of bad links.

While building the links, Google’s preference list has changed than before. The important things to keep in mind are:

Total Number: Google at first keeps track of the total number of links one has. It isn’t an effective factor considering the rank, establishment and trustworthiness of a good site will always be much more valuable than spammy and low quality links.

Domains: If a site has several links from the same site, then it’s a spoil spot. Google is going to disregard the influences of most of the links and so link diversity are very important.

Google can detect the domains of links through varied IP addresses. So, it’s advised that the links should be coming from IP addresses around the globe suggesting connection with different people.

Anchor Text: Anchor texts should be varied while creating links which keeps your link profile diverse and natural looking. As a benefit, people won’t use the keyword that the developer has made on that page pointing to that site.

Age: It’s a popular belief that older links that has been used for years are much more important and powerful than the new links. Older and known links will be definitely more influential and impactful than the new links. Google trusts the old links more because they are much more authoritative.

Variation: Diversity or variation is very important in terms of anchor text and source of the links. Variation is also important with respect to image versus text, placement of links on various sites and ‘dofollow’ links versus ‘nofollow’ links.

Some years ago, only the ‘DoFollow’ links were allowed by Google. As a result, every site developer started focussing entirely on ‘DoFollow’ links and started eliminating the other. But the SEO’s belief is contrary to this and they say that Google wants to curb the success of sites that are not playing according to the instructions of Google and blocking their way to the top.

Quality: Quality is the most important factor to keep in mind. Receiving the links from valued sites is better than receiving thousands of spammy blogs. The focus should be made on getting links from the well-known sites, which is difficult because they’re very conservative. Creating and sharing the links should of top priority to increase the quality of the site.

Relevance of the links is another sign of quality. Google is going to discount the sites where the subjects are not relevant merely makes sense. A typical webmaster should try to lessen the irrelevant topics and stay in their niche.

Bad Links: The bad links have a detrimental impression on the page’s ranking. So, equal importance should be given to limit the number of bad links.

Velocity: Link velocity refers to the rate and schedule at which the kinks are built. The key is to make the links look natural and consistent in making. There shouldn’t be many curves in the velocity and developing new links should be more than the previous month. Link velocity refers to the rate and schedule at which the kinks are built. The key is to make the links look natural and consistent in making. There shouldn’t be many curves in the velocity and developing new links should be more than the previous month.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Penguin 2.0 rolled out today | Penguin 2.0 update | Penguin update | Google Update

Google has said before that search engine optimization, or SEO, can be positive and constructive—and we're not the only ones. Effective search engine optimization can make a site more crawlable and make individual pages more accessible and easier to find. Search engine optimization includes things as simple as keyword research to ensure that the right words are on the page, not just industry jargon that normal people will never type. “White hat” search engine optimizers often improve the usability of a site, help create great content, or make sites faster, which is good for both users and search engines. Good search engine optimization can also mean good marketing: thinking about creative ways to make a site more compelling, which can help with search engines as well as social media. The net result of making a great site is often greater awareness of that site on the web, which can translate into more people linking to or visiting a site. 

The opposite of “white hat” SEO is something called “black hat webspam” (we say “webspam” to distinguish it from email spam). In the pursuit of higher rankings or traffic, a few sites use techniques that don’t benefit users, where the intent is to look for shortcuts or loopholes that would rank pages higher than they deserve to be ranked. We see all sorts of webspam techniques every day, from keyword stuffing to link schemes that attempt to propel sites higher in rankings. The goal of many of our ranking changes is to help searchers find sites that provide a great user experience and fulfill their information needs. We also want the “good guys” making great sites for users, not just algorithms, to see their effort rewarded. To that end we’ve launched Panda changes that successfully returned higher-quality sites in search results. 

And earlier this year we launched a page layout algorithm that reduces rankings for sites that don’t make much content available “above the fold.” In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at webspam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can't divulge specific signals because we don't want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.

Here’s an example of a webspam tactic like keyword stuffing taken from a site that will be affected by this change:-

We started rolling out the next generation of the Penguin webspam algorithm this afternoon (May 22, 2013), and the rollout is now complete. About 2.3% of English-US queries are affected to the degree that a regular user might notice. The change has also finished rolling out for other languages world-wide. The scope of Penguin varies by language, e.g. languages with more webspam will see more impact.

This is the fourth Penguin-related launch Google has done, but because this is an updated algorithm (not just a data refresh), we’ve been referring to this change as Penguin 2.0 internally. For more information on what SEOs should expect in the coming months, see the video that we recently released.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Black Hat & Link Spammers Less Likely To Show Up In Search Results After Summer

Google’s head of search spam, today answers some of the questions about what webmasters and SEOs should expect in the near future in regards to SEO.

The primary question Matt asked and answered was, “What should we expect in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google?”

Matt addressed 10 points, all summarized at the end as helping improve the search results by awarding the good sites and hurting the spammers and black hats in the search results. Here are the 10 points Matt addressed in his video, followed by the video itself:

1.  Penguin Updates

The next generation Penguin update, Penguin 4 (AKA Penguin 2.0), which is expected to launch in the next few weeks, will go deeper and have more of an impact than the first version of that Penguin update. So expect that we will hear more of an outcry from the SEO community when this does launch.

2.  Advertorials

Earlier this year, Google went after some websites for using advertorials as a means to artificially inflate their link profile. Matt Cutts said Google will soon take a stronger stance against those using advertorials in a means that violates their webmaster guidelines.

3.  Spammy Queries
While queries that tend to be spammy in nature, such as [pay day loans] or some pornographic related queries, were somewhat less likely to be a target for Google’s search spam team – Matt Cutts said Google is more likely to look at this area in the near future. He made it sound like these requests are coming from outside of Google and thus Google wants to address those concerns with these types of queries.

4.  Going Upstream

Matt Cutts said they want to go more “upstream” to deter link spammers and the value of the links they are acquiring from the sources. This seems to imply to me that Google will go after more link networks, like they’ve done in the past.

5.  Sophisticated Link Analysis

Matt promises that Google is going to get even better at their link analysis. Google’s head of search spam explained that Google is in the early stages of this much more “sophisticated” link analysis software but when it is released, they will be much better at understanding links.

6.  Improvements On Hacked Sites

Google has done a lot of work with hacked sites and their index, specifically labeling the search results of potentially hacked sites, removing those sites and also warnings webmasters about the hack. Matt said Google is working on rolling out a new feature to better detect hacked sites in the upcoming months. Cutts also added they plan on improving webmaster communication in regards to hacked sites.

7.  Authority Boost

Google hopes to give sites that are an authority in a specific industry, community or space a ranking boost. So if you are an authority in the medical or travel spaces, Google hopes that related queries will return your site above less authoritative web sites.

8.  Panda Sympathy

While many sites have been impacted by the Google Panda update, Matt Cutts said that many of those impacted are borderline cases. Google is looking for ways to “soften” that impact by looking at other quality metrics to move those on the line to not be impacted by the Panda algorithm.

9.  Domain Clusters In SERPs

The number of clusters of the same domain name showing on the first page of Google’s search results should lessen this year. Google’s Matt Cutts said they want to make the search results on the first page even more diverse, but when you click to the second results page, you may be more likely to see clustered results from the same domain name. Google is constantly tweaking how many search results from the same domain name show up on a single page of search results.

10.  Improved Webmaster Communication

As always, Google is always saying they want to improve their communication with webmasters. Matt Cutts said to expect even more detailed examples within webmaster notifications received within Google Webmaster Tools.

Toward the end of this video, Matt Cutts explains the purpose of all these changes is to reduce the number of webmasters doing black hat spam tactics from showing up, while giving smaller businesses that are more white hat the chances to rank better.

More Info :-

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

feel 4.9 earthquake rocks Delhi-NCR

New Delhi, NCR region including the adjacent parts of the country on Tuesday tremors were felt almost twenty four hours.

From neighboring Pakistan earthquake tremors are reports of town. Ahmedabad in Gujarat in the country, including areas of Saurashtra and Rajasthan Bhuj shaking was felt also in large part.

Ludhiana in Punjab and Chandigarh tremors were felt for 10-12 seconds.

The epicenter is said to be on the border of Pakistan and Iran. 8 measured the quake at the border. The epicenter was 135 km below ground.

Shocks of earthquake in Iran. In addition to the earthquake in Pakistan Peshawar felt by people.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

10 precious tips for SEO after Google Penguin update

Links has been an integral component of SEO and has paved the road of success to all good SEO campaigns. From the first update of Google Penguin algorithm, it’s a vital duty to develop the links properly.

 The top 10 suggestions for creating back links for your own or other’s sake are listed as following: - 

1. Preference to Quality

Recent link developing initiatives should have their first preference as quality. Google Penguin has condemned many websites for low quality links which take minimal force to receive the administrative submissions.

2. Connections are prior to Links
Developing a link is almost similar to networking. Every SEO should have their personal list of contacts that can help you with building links.
If you have served the SEO industry for some time, you might already have some connections. Being a freelancer, you can seek help to people with whom you have dealt already or have worked for their campaigns.

3. Extend

Initially you have to reach to someone to start building links, and divulging with others would be the first step. You should know their clients, personality, customer base and contacts. A personal approach will be better in emails.

4. Originality

Originality to content is immensely vital in link developing campaigns. The content in editorial part is the best, because these involve writing contents based on your website. Two important things are:
Article Marketing
Guest Blogging.

 The necessity for great content has increased the demand of content marketing with a boom.

5. Know Your Audience

Audience is the most important and tone is very important in this case. If a highly technical post is concerned, writing should be according to the understanding of engineering principles and concepts.

6. Mixture

Mixture of links is always appreciated.
Types of links you may consider are as follows:
Forum Posts
Blog Comments
Articles & Blog Posts (in content links)
Brand Links
Local Citations
Keyword Rich Hyper Text
Follow Links

Some of them are very old, but are easier than others and more valuable in campaigns.

7. Value

The Internet is full with low quality content. It is important to impart value to the website from where you are hoping to gain a link from.
If links are developed by way of blog commenting, value should be added to the content. Relevant comments should be made which would be accepted and appreciated.

8. Metrics

Domain metrics such as PageRank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, MozRank, MozTrust, Linking Root Domains, and External Link Volume etc. are the potential back link sources.

PageRank – This is Google’s own scoring system where sites are given a rank.

Domain Authority – This is SEOMoz’s best attempt at ranking search engines on link domains.

 MozRank – Visual representation for calculating the volume of links, quality of links and number of root domains pointing towards a page. 

9. It should be earned

It’s not easy to earn links. The quality of your content should be of high standard and should be very influential. Getting your contents reach to the right readers is the most vital part. Marketing strategy is very important for publicizing the contents and getting it spread and shared.

10. Realistic

Being realistic is very important. No one should push their luck and disbelieve in their original work. If your website is a new product, don’t aim up too high and ask for high level blogging. It’s very important to develop the links relevantly.
Links should be created logically. Though it’ time taking, when good websites are built, it will start to flourish automatically.

Sources :-

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Better Twitter Marketing Strategy in 8 Simple Step??

Twitter has transformed itself from a micro-blogging site to a business stage for companies and their products. As the stakes in internet marketing are getting higher and costlier, more and corporate houses and business groups are trying to market their products and services on Twitter.

Tweets are basically 140 characters long and it makes the task of describing the service or product, even tougher. On the other hand, business groups are drawn towards marketing their products in this site as it is very popular and has a large number of daily hits.

With over 500 million live users, here is a look at how you can besuccessful in marketing your product at Twitter using these 8 steps:

  1. Follow the correct people: As soon as you have a twitter account for your business, initially you will have a temptation to follow everyone you come across. But, in order to expand your business, you need to be very precise about whom you follow. The people you follow will reflect the quality and status of your business. Then again, by adding worthy accounts, you can get a lot of knowledge which you can use to improve your business.

  2. Follow your accounts in organised pattern: Once you have followed the right accounts, you need to be a bit organised. Twitter tools like and can help you to keep a nice track of incoming streams.

  3. Block unwanted Accounts: Do not hesitate to block the accounts which are undesirable for your business. If a spammer follows you, then people will have a wrong idea about your business. And, at the end of the day, you are judged by the followers you have.

  4. Be innovative: Re-tweeting is something that most people hate. Your followers will be looking for original posts from you. So, the next time you go out on tweeter, make sure that youdon’t re-tweet contents posted by others.

  5. Search for new people to follow: An important idea concerned with marketing is expansion. But, how can you expand your business on Twitter?? Well, search for more and more people or accounts that can be good for the growth of your popularity on the site. After you add them, you will surely have a good time. Keeping on adding and never stop the process.

  6. Make your account streamlined: When you look up to business, your goal is not getting a large number of followers for your Twitter account or your FB pages. What matters in business is generation of income. Well, through these seemingly casual social media sites, you get a chance to influence your followers. So, you just try to convert your followers into buyers.

  7. Use some popularity ‘weapons’: Use these tools of Twitter to impress people you want to bring under the spectrum of business. Mark people’s posts as ‘favourite’ and get their attention.

  8. Learn the language: It’s very common for people to speak a different sort of language on FB or Twitter. e.g. “how r u??” So, try to learn these things so that you can communicate with the audience more effectively.
Sources :-

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Earthquakes intensified across the country, including Delhi, agog

New Delhi, NCR region including the adjacent parts of the country on Tuesday tremors were felt almost twenty four hours.

From neighboring Pakistan earthquake tremors are reports of town. Ahmedabad in Gujarat in the country, including areas of Saurashtra and Rajasthan Bhuj shaking was felt also in large part.

Ludhiana in Punjab and Chandigarh tremors were felt for 10-12 seconds.

The epicenter is said to be on the border of Pakistan and Iran. 8 measured the quake at the border. The epicenter was 135 km below ground.

Shocks of earthquake in Iran. In addition to the earthquake in Pakistan Peshawar felt by people.

Pakistan and north - west sharp shocks of earthquakes in India
Earthquakes intensified across the country, including Delhi, agog
Pakistan and North - West India's earthquake tremors were felt sharp.
Earthquake of any thereof has reported immediately.
That being said Iran - Pakistan border is the epicenter.
However, the shock was felt in Rajasthan and Punjab. Stay in Delhi - were stopped three shocks.
Iran - Pakistan border epicenter
The quake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. 4 to 5 seconds, the shock was felt.
Most people, their homes when the quake struck, took to the streets outside offices. Nervous people stayed out late.
Doors and windows of the houses were shaking from the earthquake but so far there are no reports of any loss of life and property.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Free Guest book blog posting site list

Thursday, April 4, 2013

High PR Social Bookmarking Sites List 2013

Social Bookmarking Sites List 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

20 Resources which you would love to add into your Tool Arsenal

If you are one of those people who are busy over the internet searching for news, views, reviews, articles or blogs, you must need some interesting and trendy websites which can replace your common search engines.

This write-up is to help you to browse over the internet smartly. Please check out these amazing websites and their amazing features. Here are 20 resources you may opt for your link tool-

Google : No need to explain why.

Bing: Of course these are your favorites and probably the first that used in your life. But the following list is quite good enough.

Solo SEO’s Link Search Tool: It’s an amazing tool where you can put a key word and it will show you a list of searches for Google, Yahoo and Bingo. It adds such things like ‘add site’, ‘add a url’ etc and makes things smarter.

Google AlertsIt can be handy to monitor on your personal researches. You can put your queries here and it will send the updates daily to your inbox.

ZiteZite is an app that is available on your iPad/ iPhone or any android. This app is very useful on the go when you are travelling.

Million Short: This tool helps you to remove the tangled searches. You can take only the results you want from the lists.

Dogpile: It is a meta-search engine. It gets the best results from the Google and Yahoo for you.

Buzzstream: If you do blogrolls, here, you can ask for links, submit or buy links instantly.

MajesticWith spending $399 a month its API you can store your data and build your links for the clients.

Link Research Tools: It requires $269 a month to start your link audits and you can dig your personal profile and compare with the others.

Ahrefs: It is a useful tool to audit and get pictures of your profile very quickly. It costs about $179 a month.

Open Site Explorer free edition: This tool is mainly based on the office works. This has a very smart interface, cheaper monthly price and numerous office tool options.

Rex Swain’s HTTP Header Check: This site actually fixes the most common 301 problems. It fixes and builds links to the sites where you are putting all your efforts to read and research.

Screaming Frog: This tool is downloadable. It identifies and fixes the problematic sites, duplicates tags to 404 errors.

Crowdbooster: Once this tool was free. But now, by spending $8 per month this social media helps you. This tool is extensivelyaccessed through emails and phones.

Followerwonk: You can use this tool to search the keywordswhich are used in twitter. This will help you to start social campaigning.

Open Office: For works on documentation, this tool helps you over Excel and it is downloadable.

Evernote: It connects your phone and iPad with your clients and works. You can spend just 30 seconds on checking mails and replying to them.

Icerocket: Just ask for a topic say brand or product, this social search engine helps you get the resources.

Citation Labs: Put your URL, this tool will send the search results to your mailbox.
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