Links has been an integral component of SEO and has paved the road of success to all good SEO campaigns. From the first update of Google Penguin algorithm, it’s a vital duty to develop the links properly.
The top 10 suggestions for creating back links for your own or other’s sake are listed as following: -
1. Preference to Quality
Recent link developing initiatives should have their first preference as quality. Google Penguin has condemned many websites for low quality links which take minimal force to receive the administrative submissions.
2. Connections are prior to Links
Developing a link is almost similar to networking. Every SEO should have their personal list of contacts that can help you with building links.
If you have served the SEO industry for some time, you might already have some connections. Being a freelancer, you can seek help to people with whom you have dealt already or have worked for their campaigns.
3. Extend
Initially you have to reach to someone to start building links, and divulging with others would be the first step. You should know their clients, personality, customer base and contacts. A personal approach will be better in emails.
4. Originality
Originality to content is immensely vital in link developing campaigns. The content in editorial part is the best, because these involve writing contents based on your website. Two important things are:
Article Marketing
Guest Blogging.
The necessity for great content has increased the demand of content marketing with a boom.
5. Know Your Audience
Audience is the most important and tone is very important in this case. If a highly technical post is concerned, writing should be according to the understanding of engineering principles and concepts.
6. Mixture
Mixture of links is always appreciated.
Types of links you may consider are as follows:
Forum Posts
Blog Comments
Articles & Blog Posts (in content links)
Brand Links
Local Citations
Keyword Rich Hyper Text
Follow Links
Some of them are very old, but are easier than others and more valuable in campaigns.
7. Value
The Internet is full with low quality content. It is important to impart value to the website from where you are hoping to gain a link from.
If links are developed by way of blog commenting, value should be added to the content. Relevant comments should be made which would be accepted and appreciated.
8. Metrics
Domain metrics such as PageRank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, MozRank, MozTrust, Linking Root Domains, and External Link Volume etc. are the potential back link sources.
PageRank – This is Google’s own scoring system where sites are given a rank.
Domain Authority – This is SEOMoz’s best attempt at ranking search engines on link domains.
MozRank – Visual representation for calculating the volume of links, quality of links and number of root domains pointing towards a page.
9. It should be earned
It’s not easy to earn links. The quality of your content should be of high standard and should be very influential. Getting your contents reach to the right readers is the most vital part. Marketing strategy is very important for publicizing the contents and getting it spread and shared.
10. Realistic
Being realistic is very important. No one should push their luck and disbelieve in their original work. If your website is a new product, don’t aim up too high and ask for high level blogging. It’s very important to develop the links relevantly.
Links should be created logically. Though it’ time taking, when good websites are built, it will start to flourish automatically.
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