Saturday, August 17, 2013

What Is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? If you are a website owner, you already understand the importance of keywords and advertising in search engines.

In order to make sales, websites must use the latest advertising technology geared toward the internet. These methods include search engine optimization to get free organic traffic and search engine advertising (pay per click or (PPC) or pay per view (PPV)) and they are necessary for success in any online venture. Together they are known as search engine marketing. Search engine optimization consists of a variety of on site and off site techniques to increase the rankings of a website in search engines to get free or organic traffic. Search engines base rankings on a number of factors that determine relevance of a site and where they rank it in their search results. The search engines use spider programs which search out websites and, using algorithms designed by the search engines' owners, gather all sorts of information from the website. Some considerations in the algorithms consist of things like age of site, how often the site is updated, the quality of the content, number of relevant links from similar sites, social credibility and many other things. Search engine giant Google uses Page Rank to measure sites, with 10 being the highest ranking which is given to very few sites. If your site has a 4 or 5, that’s pretty good. 

Search Engine advertising, either Pay Per Click or Pay Per View advertising is another tool used in search engine marketing. By advertising directly with the search engines, a site will be given higher ranking in search results as well. Search engine marketing also gives exposure to a site based on quality relevant content, so the site appears in search engines when users are looking for a particular product or keyword. This targeted searching and advertising is dominating consumer spending. In the U.S. alone, e-commerce sales reached $43.2 billion in the second quarter of 2013 — up 15 percent compared to the year-ago period, according to comScore. Both parties win using search engines. Advertisers using the best techniques of SEO gain free visitors who are looking for specific products or services. 

When their business is put into the search engine, visitors are more likely to visit the site specifically for its services. Research also shows that when visitors come to a site through a search engine, they are typically more motivated to buy. There is a lot more to these techniques than those listed above. Search engine optimization itself is very detailed and complicated. To truly optimize your site, it is important to hire experts who specialize in SEO. Search Engine Advertising also requires extensive knowledge of the industry. It is very important to follow the search engines guidelines to avoid being penalized. A company that provides exclusive search engine marketing services will do everything from keyword selection to monthly maintenance. Employing these methods of Search Engine Marketing will increase your site's visibility in the search results, and bring you more traffic and customers.

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